Editor’s note: In a March 27 story titled “Police probe domestic case hours after guilty plea” the story should have reflected that Brian Bundza was found guilty - in a jury trial - of two misdemeanor counts of simple assault. The adjudication of the case and the crimes for which Bundza was found guilty were incorrectly stated. The Lebanon Voice apologizes for the error.
ROCHESTER - While police still have not completed their investigation into a March 17 domestic disturbance involving a man who earlier in the day had been sentenced in Superior Court for beating up a former girlfriend, it appears from a police log entry obtained by The Lebanon Voice that this time, it was the man who was the victim.
Rochester Police are currently investigating the disturbance that occurred just hours after Bundza was sentenced by a judge to 12 months in jail, all suspended, if he stays on good behavior for two years.
Prosecutors in the case wanted Bundza to serve 60 days, 30 days for each simple assault count.
A police report from March 17 indicates there was a domestic disturbance at a 10 Rod Road residence, but it was a 30-yeaer-old male who was injured, not the female who was also involved in the altercation. Rochester Police Capt. Paul Toussaint indicated on Wednesday that the disturbance involved a male and a female, and that Bundza was involved.
Bundza, 30, of 9 Deerfield Court, was indicted in September on two felony counts of second-degree assault on a female dating back to an incident on Jan.1 of last year.
In that attack, Bundza is said to have grabbed the woman and squeezed her hand and fingers and also struck her head with his head or hand, causing her to lose three teeth, according to the Sept. 19 indictment handed down by a Strafford County Grand Jury.
In the March 17 Rochester Police log, it indicates a call came in to the Rochester Police Dispatch Center at 9:53 p.m. and a minute later the dispatcher’s narrative notes, “30-year-old male assaulted by girlfriend … several other people enr (en route) to beat up the male.”
Soon after a Frisbie ambulance arrives to transport the male to the hospital.
Toussaint said he could disclose little else about last week’s incident because the investigation is ongoing. He said a male was transported to Frisbie Memorial Hospital as a result of the incident, but would not verify that the patient was Bundza, however, Bundza is also 30 years old.
Other conditions of the March 17 sentencing were drug and alcohol counseling, nonspecified restitution, 60 hours of community service, no contact with the past victim and anger management evaluations.