Hi friend,
I always love Sundays, but this is a special one. Today is National Cancer Survivors Day--a day of hope for those who've overcome any type of cancer.
We love hearing the triumphant stories of those who once heard those terrible words, "you have breast cancer", and now can say "I'm a survivor!"
Unfortunately, we know surviving this disease doesn't happen for everyone, so it's something we never take for granted. It's a victory that we hope will one day be the reality for every woman diagnosed with breast cancer.
We hear a lot of stories from women who are survivors, so in honor of this special day of celebrating survivors, I'd like to share one with you about a woman named Sandra.
Sandra is a soon-to-be grandma who recently needed help from NBCF's programs. Thanks to supporters like you, Sandra was able to receive the help of a bilingual patient navigator to hold her hand through the difficult journey from being diagnosed with breast cancer to be able to say...
"I'm a survivor!"
To see a short video about her experience click here.
I hope you are inspired by Sandra's story. She is just ONE of the many women we get to help every day in our commitment to walking alongside women through every step of their breast cancer journey.
Have a great Sunday,
- Candice Boeck
National Breast Cancer Foundation