ROCHESTER - The Strafford County Family Justice Center is launching its survivor art project that runs the entire month of October to honor the voices of survivors and victims during Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The project, new this year, is focused on providing messages of hope to the community and bringing awareness to gender-based violence during the pandemic that is often overlooked.
According to national and local news coverage, we know that domestic violence has increased during the COVID-19 pandemic and that families need our help, now more than ever.
We also know that there is a growing conversation around how to best respond to and prevent domestic violence and that those conversations involve important issues such as race, police reform, justice and the voices of those suffering at the hands of an abuser. The Strafford County Family Justice Center believes that survivors know what they need and are an important part of this conversation. We also know that our collaboration with law enforcement and social service agencies is a model that works to increase safety for the community and survivors, while increasing accountability for people who do harm.
We are all in this together. When a community stands up and says 'Not Here' to gender-based violence we can begin to build a system that not only supports the victims of abuse but also looks to prevent abuse and break the generational cycle of violence. We start by acknowledging the pain and the stories of our survivors. We look to hope to guide us toward a support network that understands domestic violence is often driven by generational violence and in order to break it, we must invest in each other.
Please join us in October by visiting our art installation on the Spaulding High School fence at 150 Wakefield St. in Rochester.
Special thanks to the Rochester School Department's Building & Grounds, David Totty, for approving our use of the fence.
For more information on how to support the Strafford County Family Justice Center, please visit our website at and follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
Amanda Vachon, MS
Strafford County Family Justice Center
150 Wakefield St. Suite 16
Rochester, NH 03867
Phone: (603) 509-1914