To the residents of Lebanon:
I wanted to take a quick moment to ask for your vote. With the election coming up in a few days, you the voter have an important decision to make. An important decision it is, because who you choose, has a direct correlation to the quality of service the town provides as well as your tax rate.
In the past, “winging it”, taking care of the good ole boy’s club, and conflicts of interest have been the norm, and now we deal with the repercussions. With the election of Ben Thompson last year, and the hiring of the new Treasurer, it looks like the tide is finally changing. There is lots of hard work to do, long hours, and I know I can help. Let’s keep the positive momentum of changing moving forward!
As you contemplate whom to elect, I urge you to carefully consider each candidate’s qualifications and reasons for running. The candidates are all good people, but this is not a popularity contest. We have serious problems to solve, and we need serious people to solve them. I think you’ll find that my background in Finance and business makes me uniquely qualified to serve as your Selectman. And as a veteran, I know what it means to serve unselfishly, and that is how I intend to serve you, the people of Lebanon. Your vote counts, so please vote on Tuesday March 11th, and I ask you for your vote!
- Richard "Chip" Harlow
(P.S.) If you haven't seen the video of the Meet the Candidates Night, here is the link to the YouTube video.