DOVER - The Second Annual Mental Health, Wellness & Recovery in the Workplace Summit will take place Thursday at the McConnell Center Cafeteria in Dover from 8:30-10:30 a.m.
The summit is presented by the Seacoast Chamber Alliance, the Dover Mental Health Alliance, and the Recovery Friendly Workplace Initiative. Registration is $10 for chamber members and $15 for nonmembers. To register, visit
The Mental Health, Wellness & Recovery in the Workplace Summit is designed to help employers learn about steps they can take to reduce the stigma around mental health in the workplace. Topics include the state of mental health and substance abuse in the workplace, how to recognize potential mental health or substance abuse issues, providing a safe environment to seek help, and resources available for employers.
The keynote speaker is Charla Stevens, owner of Charla Stevens Consulting. Stevens is currently the chair of the Granite United Way Board of Directors, trustee of Solution Health, a commissioner of the New Hampshire Lawyers' Assistance Program, and serves on the American Bar Association's Task Force on Mental Health and Wellness. She will be joined by several panelists: Brad Paige, Kennebunk Savings president and CEO; Kate Skouteris, vice president of N.H. Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare; Peter Fifield, manager of Integrated Behavioral Health and Substance Use Disorder Services at Wentworth-Douglass Hospital; Kaitlyn Jones, social worker with the City of Dover Police Department; and Katie Soule, associate director of Childcare and Day Camp Services, Granite YMCA.
The Dover Mental Health Alliance's mission is to build a resilient community that is educated, responsive and conscious of the impact of mental illness. For more information visit The Recovery Friendly Workplace Initiative promotes individual wellness for Granite Stater citizens by empowering workplaces to provide support for people recovering from substance use disorder. For more information visit
The summit is underwritten by Kennebunk Savings and sponsored by Harvard Pilgrim Health Care and Granite United Way.
The Seacoast Chamber Alliance consists of the Exeter Area Chamber of Commerce, the Greater Dover Chamber of Commerce, the Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce, the Hampton Area Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber Collaborative of Greater Portsmouth, and the Falls Chamber of Commerce.