To Senator Gary Daniels and Members of the Senate Finance Committee:
I am alarmed and don't understand your Committee's defiance of the "will of the people," that has been admirably expressed in the NH House with Section 76 and 77 of the budget that would have ended the State of Emergency upon the passage of the budget in June. Why the betrayal that removes these two sections? One would think that In light of the political climate of Democrat control of the both Houses of Congress in DC, and a president who is a robot for unlimited government with the power of his pen, that you would stand against this federal overreach of power and stand up for NH citizens against this tyranny.
Lest you find my words too harsh, James Madison will really hurt your feelings: "The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive and judiciary in the same hands, whether of one , few or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny." Federalist Papers 47
This is especially disturbing because the citizens of NH spoke loudly at the ballot box last November, flipping both the NH House and Senate, giving the Republicans the same dominance in our state as the Democrats have in DC. . We need you to exercise this power and stand up and protect NH citizens from the unlimited desire of the Democrat Administration to control the people of our State. Why has no one stood against this predicted perversion of federalism or a Republican form of government (not the party) - division of power in the Executive, Judicial and Legislative branches which every state is guaranteed in Article IV section 4 of the U.S. Constitution. State limitation of federal power is an essential part of federalism. Just because the Federal government is betraying these checks and balances of power, that is not license for you to follow their disobedience to the Supreme Law of the land. We need the Republican Party in power in NH to exercise a "check and balance" against the Democrat's power overreach, in cold hard reality, that isstealing our liberty.
Please tell me why the Republican Party is so weak in moral courage, to do what is right according to the NH Constitution. For you are sworn to obey both the NH Constitution and the US Constitution. Further , you're Committee has compromised fidelity to "we the People" by perverting the original purpose of HB 440 the Civil Liberties Defense Act by effectively killing its true purpose which mandated that "Civil liberties not be suspended during a state of emergency. You have also passed an Amendment weakening HB 542 , the Religious Liberty Act. Perhaps, on the floor of the full Senate, one of the 24 will remember that you are elected to represent the people not the governor, and will stand up and propose Amendments to restore the essence of these bills. For the very essence of our religious liberty and our civil liberties guaranteed by the First Amendment which makes no exceptions is the foundation of all our liberties. Where do you find such exceptions in the U.S. Constitution?
May a word to the wise be sufficient. There will be tens-of-thousand who will take up the banner of truth with action , and counter this betrayal at the ballot box. The wisdom of John Paul Jones words give us a model of courage to follow: "We the people have not yet begun to fight." Contact your legislators in the House to restore all the emergency reforms plus an amendment to ban all Vaccine Passports when the budget bill goes before the full House on June 3rd and 4th. For info go to
- Russell Payne,