What Is God Like?
"God is very loving. I imagine he is very tall. I love him," says Lauren, 9.
Yes, God is very loving, but he's also a "sin hater" who's the "nicest man in the world," says Justin, 10. "I think he has a beard. He is not that old. He lives in heaven. Jesus is his son."
I'm not sure where people get the idea that God has a long, flowing beard. Maybe it's from seeing too many pictures of Santa Claus.
"God is like a never-ending story that you want to read again and again," says Ashley, 10. "When I hear about Him, I want to know more. Although I can't see Him, I feel Him. He is perfect and pure. I know He has felt pain and has suffered greatly to take away my sins."
Some people read the Bible mostly as a history book. They believe God acted in ancient times, but that was then, and this is now. Ashley views history as "His story." For those who have eyes to see, God acts now as he did during Biblical times.
While God is revealing himself to Ashley as a continuing story, he reminds another Ashley, 10, of the weather: "God is like the wind. You can't see him, but you know he's there because you can see what he does."
Wind and water are great similes, but let's shine some light on this question, says Molly, 9: "God is like a light that shines even brighter than the sun."
Guess who keeps the lights burning? "God is like an energy producer because he made the world, and he is the giver of life," says Tyler, 12.
"God is like Jesus because God is Jesus," says Caleb, 10. "God is also like the Holy Spirit because he is the Holy Spirit, too. God is also like the Bible because it teaches us about Him."
Excuse me, Caleb. Which seminary did you say you'll be teaching at next year? Sign me up for your course on the Trinity.
"God is like an apple," says Brandon, 10. "Apples look good on the outside and on the inside."
I've never thought of God as an apple, but I like what Brandon said about God's consistency. We've all been fooled by people who appear outwardly to be one thing, but inside they're something else. God is true and faithful.
In the Psalms, "forever" describes God's name (reputation), throne (power) and word. The New Testament writer of the Book of Hebrews wrote: "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever" (Hebrews 13:8).
God wants us to know him as a faithful friend on whom we can depend in every situation. Often, he allows our choices and circumstances to take us beyond our own abilities and resources so that we will turn to him for strength.
We can speculate about what God is like. If we really want to know, we must go to the Bible. Jesus called himself a vine. He said his disciples were branches. Apart from the vine, the branch cannot receive life. In this context Jesus said, "For without me you can do nothing" (John 15:5c).
Some people pay a lot of money to drink fine wine, yet won't spend two seconds to consider a relationship with the one who turned water into wine.
Think about this: My life has significance only in dependence on God.
Memorize this truth: "I am the vine, you are the branches" (John 15:5a).
Ask this question: What is God like to you?
Yes, God is very loving, but he's also a "sin hater" who's the "nicest man in the world," says Justin, 10. "I think he has a beard. He is not that old. He lives in heaven. Jesus is his son."
I'm not sure where people get the idea that God has a long, flowing beard. Maybe it's from seeing too many pictures of Santa Claus.
"God is like a never-ending story that you want to read again and again," says Ashley, 10. "When I hear about Him, I want to know more. Although I can't see Him, I feel Him. He is perfect and pure. I know He has felt pain and has suffered greatly to take away my sins."
Some people read the Bible mostly as a history book. They believe God acted in ancient times, but that was then, and this is now. Ashley views history as "His story." For those who have eyes to see, God acts now as he did during Biblical times.
While God is revealing himself to Ashley as a continuing story, he reminds another Ashley, 10, of the weather: "God is like the wind. You can't see him, but you know he's there because you can see what he does."
Wind and water are great similes, but let's shine some light on this question, says Molly, 9: "God is like a light that shines even brighter than the sun."
Guess who keeps the lights burning? "God is like an energy producer because he made the world, and he is the giver of life," says Tyler, 12.
"God is like Jesus because God is Jesus," says Caleb, 10. "God is also like the Holy Spirit because he is the Holy Spirit, too. God is also like the Bible because it teaches us about Him."
Excuse me, Caleb. Which seminary did you say you'll be teaching at next year? Sign me up for your course on the Trinity.
"God is like an apple," says Brandon, 10. "Apples look good on the outside and on the inside."
I've never thought of God as an apple, but I like what Brandon said about God's consistency. We've all been fooled by people who appear outwardly to be one thing, but inside they're something else. God is true and faithful.
In the Psalms, "forever" describes God's name (reputation), throne (power) and word. The New Testament writer of the Book of Hebrews wrote: "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever" (Hebrews 13:8).
God wants us to know him as a faithful friend on whom we can depend in every situation. Often, he allows our choices and circumstances to take us beyond our own abilities and resources so that we will turn to him for strength.
We can speculate about what God is like. If we really want to know, we must go to the Bible. Jesus called himself a vine. He said his disciples were branches. Apart from the vine, the branch cannot receive life. In this context Jesus said, "For without me you can do nothing" (John 15:5c).
Some people pay a lot of money to drink fine wine, yet won't spend two seconds to consider a relationship with the one who turned water into wine.
Think about this: My life has significance only in dependence on God.
Memorize this truth: "I am the vine, you are the branches" (John 15:5a).
Ask this question: What is God like to you?
Kids Talk About God is designed for families to study the Bible together. Research shows that parents who study the Bible with their children give their character, faith and spiritual life a powerful boost. To receive Kids Talk About God three times a week in a free, email subscription, visit www.KidsTalkAboutGod.org/email. ;