DOVER - Wentworth-Douglass Hospital is hosting a free event to assist those interested in drafting an advanced directive.
The event will be held May 21 from 1-3 p.m. at the Dover Public Library. Wentworth-Douglass is offering attendees a 30-minute appointment with a social worker, who will assist in creating the document.
An advanced directive, commonly referred to as a living will, is a legal document that specifies what actions should be taken if a person is no longer able to make decisions for themselves - often because they have become seriously ill or otherwise incapacitated.
Those attending should bring their license, a list of proxies they would like to represent them, and contact information for all parties involved.
There is a limit of 12 appointments. To schedule an important, or inquire further, please call the hospital's social work office at 603-740-2826.