To the editor:
"Lawless Lebanon" is a town riddled with the diseases of Criminal Elected Officials, staggering and self-serving political Corruption, and utter Incompetence. This is Our Town, where we chose to live, raise our children and be part of a healthy, hopeful community seeking a bright future. But our town has become dark and diseased. It needs to be healed! But what are these diseases and how can healing take place?
The Diseases
Criminal Elected Officials
1. Selectmen Chuck Russell and Ernest "Butch" Lizotte, along with co-conspirators of the Animal Control Office and Deborah Wilson, illegally entered the property of Eric Kelley in August, 2020, under the guise of "containing animals". They actually stole Mr. Kelley's national award-winning marijuana plants with an approximate value of $80-100,000, as well as power tools and other items.
• Read the Police Report for all the facts.
• See a recent Boston Globe article here: "Two Maine selectmen face recall after carting off local farmer's pot"
• Read: "Pot, Pigs and Politics" - WGME Report
• Read: "Lebanon selectmen accused of stealing marijuana plants now face recall" - WGME Report
2. Chairman Russell is still under investigation for sexual harassment by the Maine Human Rights Commission. As of August 28, 2021 he admitted he still has not taken the Anti-Sexual Harassment courses prescribed.
3. Deborah Wilson stated at a Town Public Hearing that a Meth. Lab blew up in her basement, claiming to be unaware of its presence and helping catch the perpetrator - why? Not knowing an active Meth. Lab is in your basement is beyond comprehension! See her admission in this video at 20:45 into the video.
Corrupt Leadership
1. The Board of Selectmen under Chairman Russell purposefully took Adult Use Marijuana Retail applications and thousands of dollars in fees under the unconstitutional Marijuana Ordinance, knowing it will invite many lawsuits against the town, costing taxpayers thousands of dollars. See them saying so in this video. Another video shows Chairman Russell explaining the need to collect fees regardless of the unconstitutional ordinance so the town will have money to pay our lawyers to defend the town against lawsuits resulting from the very applications they are issuing!
2. The law firm of Drummond-Woodsum officially represents the Town of Lebanon, and also represent at least three corporations seeking licensure to sell recreational marijuana in the Town of Lebanon. Read the complaint of this blatant conflict of interest submitted to the Maine Bar Association and under review. Is someone padding the pockets in this arrangement? Time will tell.
3. Chairman Russell repeatedly bullies town residents and purposefully chooses not to answer questions or obtain requested documents because they will be clearly self-incriminating, revealing his blatant corruption. The most recent instances of both of these issues is from the last Board of Selectmen meeting on September. 16, 2021and can be see in this video at 1:31:10 into the meeting.
4. Chairman Russell, Selectman Adams, Selectman Lizotte and Budget Committee Member Deborah Wilson claim the people behind the recall are in it for personal gain. A simply inquiry or investigation easily proves there is absolutely no benefit, financial or otherwise, to those of us requesting the recall and who submitted a request for an Injunction (see below),- how could there be? The benefits would be to curb the crime, corruption and incompetence and to hopefully keep lawsuits against the town at bay.
1. Under Chairman Russell's advice and leadership the Board of Selectmen refused to ask town residents to vote on a Moratorium putting on hold Retail Marijuana Applications and Licenses, even after receiving recommendations to do so from two separate law firms. A Moratorium would have allowed the rewriting of the Ordinance to be constitutional and unlikely to invite lawsuits. It could then be voted on by our residents.
2. Selectman Jeff Adams has neglected his duty by being excessively absent, missing 41% of the full Board of Selectmen meetings since being elected. Please see the attached attendance record covering June 2019 through August 2021. In fact, he left the Board of Selectmen Meeting early on the day he was sworn into office on June 13, 2019. He has only been present at three meetings since June 2021. He has been absent, tardy, not present for 50% of the Board of Selectmen meetings in 2021.
3. Chairman Russell and other Selectmen continually refer to the Injunction before a judge as a Lawsuit. They do not even understand the difference between these two simple legal terms. An Injunction is simply asking a judge to intervene to stop an action, in this case causing the Selectmen to stop issuing applications and licenses under the unconstitutional ordinance. A Lawsuit is when one party is suing another party. Lawsuits are being filed against the town by the marijuana industry and in no way by anyone I know of requesting recalls.
4. There are signs around town reading "Vote No on the Recall - Keep Taxes Low." This is a falsehood in every way. The only effect a Yes vote could have on taxes is the cost to hold an election for their replacements, which is not an issue because it could be done at the scheduled November election. What will drastically increase taxes are the promised coming lawsuits over the applications and licenses issued under the unconstitutional marijuana ordinance.
5. The defense offered by all four town officials for their criminal, corrupt and incompetent actions is this: "Look at all the other good things we've done for the town." Think about this: A billionaire businessman donates one million dollars each to 100 of the most worthy and needy charities. Yay! He then robs a bank, creates company policies to pad his pockets and those of his lawyer friends, and breaks laws inviting lawsuits against his business. Should that criminal, corrupt and incompetent businessman go scot-free because he donated a small portion of his wealth to charity? No!
I strongly suggest all town residents watch the Board of Selectmen meetings which have the most views on the Town's YouTube channel. Even if you only watch the first 10 minutes, you will quickly get an understanding of the deeply troubling concerns we have. It is prudent to be informed of the problems with their leadership.
A Bright Future
Fortunately, the diseases destroying our town and our way of life can be cured - our town can heal! The first step is to cut out the infecting parts - vote YES to recall these four criminal, corrupt and/or incompetent town officials. Then let's move toward healing by electing honest, trustworthy and competent town officials who will abide by the rule of law and have the best interests of us, the townspeople and our families, in their hearts and minds.
- Kevin Edwards