To the Editor:
April is Volunteer Appreciation Month, and Girl Scouts of the Green and White Mountains wants every person who volunteers for us to know that we appreciate them.
We have more than 4,000 volunteers across New Hampshire and Vermont who give generously of their time and talent to ensure that Girl Scouts are encouraged to become young women of courage, confidence, and character who work to make the world a better place.
They are troop leaders, troop helpers and drivers, and Girl Scout Cookie program coordinators and accountants. We are grateful to the new troop leaders who stepped up in the last year to form new troops and create amazing opportunities for their Girl Scouts to make new friends, try new things and explore a world of possibilities. We could not provide the world's best leadership program for girls without the many people who run our activities, take Girl Scouts new places, and share their skills in fields like engineering, computers, the outdoors, entrepreneurship and more.
We know that volunteers wear many hats when they give of themselves to Girl Scouts. No matter which hat you're rocking, volunteers, we thank you for stepping in and stepping up for Girl Scouts everywhere!
- Patricia K. Mellor,
CEO, Girl Scouts of the Green and White Mountains
Gold Award Girl Scout