SPRINGVALE – Scenic views, farm hospitality, moderate exercise and ample refreshments await anyone who participates in a Farm-to-Farm Trail Walk on July 27.
The self-guided walk coincides with Open Farm Day. There is no charge. Walkers are invited to collect stamps from participating farms, and anyone who collects one from every farm will earn discount redeemable at one of the farms. A variety of light refreshments will be provided.
Threading through woods and rolling countryside, the trail links 11 farms on Hanson Ridge. The entire route covers nearly four miles. Wagon rides and a shuttle service are available to get people back to their cars.
“I hope people see what we have for a trail system and how it can be expanded,” said Hazen Carpenter, a tree farmer and chairman of Sanford Trails, an organizer of the event.
Springvale may be the only place in Maine where such a walk is possible due to the cluster of farms in close proximity, according to Jessica Nixon, promotions coordinator for Open Farm Day.
“To my knowledge, this is the first of its kind,” said Nixon, agricultural promotional coordinator at Maine Department of Agriculture. “It fits with the overall (Open Farm Day) concept to show people the variety of farms and techniques … Getting people out on a trail should be a big draw for a lot of people.”
The unfolding views along the way are normally off limits to the public because they are private property. Seven landowners in addition to the participating farms are allowing walkers to cross their properties. “The walk is a real cool idea,” said Jack McAdam, co-owner of McDougal’s Orchards. “It gets people out where they’ve never been before.”
Once prime land for dairy farms and orchards, Hanson Ridge is now farmed for a variety of niche products. In late July, the blueberries and raspberries will be ripe, the lambs will be fattening, vegetables will be abundant, the hops will be twining high up poles and the garlic will be drying under cover. Many of the farms are also active tree farms.
“This will show to people the value of agriculture in this area, that active open farmland is still producing food,” said Carl Davis, co-owner of Twin Maples Farm, which produces organic root crops and maple syrup.
The event brings together groups that don’t usually work together: Sanford Trails, Three Rivers Land Trust, Forest Works! and participating farms.
“The land trust is always looking for new members, the trails group is always looking for volunteers and farms are always looking for new customers,” notes Lee Burnett, project director for Forest Works! a working forest conservation initiative. “This is a way we can all help each other.”
The outreach to landowners was funded by a small grant from the Davis Conservation Foundation. Forest Works! received the grant to build relationships with landowners around trails as a catalyst for future land conservation. Two of the farms on the tour – Noon Family Sheep Farm and McDougal Orchards – are already protected by conservation easements. Two other farms are considering conservation easements as a way of keeping land in production.
The Springvale farm belt holds a lot of value for forestry, for agriculture, for recreation and for overall quality of life,” said Burnett. “An event like this can help bring it all together.”
Walkers are encouraged to bring a camera, sunscreen and bug dope.
For more information visit www.sanfordtrails.org