DOVER, N.H. - Two Rochester residents were indicted Thursday on heroin trafficking charges.
James Brown, 28, of 37 Unity St. in Rochester, was charged with two counts of Sale of the Controlled Drug heroin in Somersworth and Rochester. Both charges are considered special felonies carrying seven-year prison terms and $100,000 fines apiece.
Angela Hodgson, 365, of 37 Unity St., was charged as an accomplice to the sale of heroin in Somersworth, and another count in Rochester. Hodgson faces the identical sentences and fines as Brown.
The arrests were conducted after several months of investigation by the Strafford County Drug Task Force and Rochester Police Department. Both Brown and Hodgson sold the drug to confidential informants working for the task force, according to court documents.
Angela Hodgson |
An indictment is not an indication of guilt, only that a grand jury has found sufficient evidence to move forward to trial.
The Strafford County grand jury indictments were handed down Thursday and released today.