MILTON - On Wednesday like they’ve been doing for some 40 years, Milton youngsters got to pick out a handmade gift to put under the Christmas tree for their parents to open on Christmas morning.
The tradition started back in the 1970s, according to former Milton Elementary School principal Nancy Drew, who also taught several years at the old Milton Mills elementary school, which now houses the Milton Free Public Library.
Drew, who served as MES principal between 1988 and 2003, taught second grade at the former Milton Mills elementary school known affectionately as the Belltower.
Milton Mills used to be full of crafters and they decided to start a program where they would make gifts that the children could give parents, Drew explained. Children would get to pick out a gift whether they had money or not. Volunteers continued to keep the program running even after ranks of crafters thinned out and the Milton Mills students were moved to MES in Milton.
On Wednesday kindergarteners through fifth-graders took a few minutes off from class and took turns ambling about several tables inside the MES library where they shopped and picked out gifts.
Drew said if they don’t come to school with money, they still get to pick out gifts to put under the tree for mom and dad free of charge.
After they picked out a gift on Wednesday morning they were turned over to Nute High School Honor Society Members stationed in a nearby hallway who wrapped the gifts.
"It's a lot of fun," said 11th-grader Alex Crossley as she wrapped a present.