BOSTON - A Boston fish wholesaler has severed its ties with current Market Basket management citing concerns over how his company has been treated and mounting mistakes made by market executives.
Tim Malley the CEO of Boston Sword & Tuna, said in a posting on the Save Our Market Facebook Page that working with the management team at the company had become increasingly frustrating, including not getting emails or phone calls returned in a timely manner.
He said his company was suffering financially as their salmon contracts with Market Basket and fish processors are annual and they were forced to buy salmon and then sell it at a loss because Market Basket was not selling any due to the customer boycott.
Still, he tried to work out a deal to continue the agreement, but the management team he was working with became difficult to deal with and even overpaid him twice.
“In my mind there could be only two answers to these accumulating mistakes and self-destructive strategies,” Malley says in the post. “One was that the CEO’s were way over their heads. How many mistakes like this were being made? How would the shareholders from either side of the feuding family feel knowing that mistakes of this magnitude were being made. The only other explanation seemed to be a deliberate attempt to sabotage the future of the company.”
In the letter he wonders aloud whether a plan is in the works to scuttle the company and allow it to fail, saying, “Could the Arthur S side of the family be so embittered by the defiance of Arthur T and all the stakeholders supporting him that their plan is to sell him - at full preconflict price - a pile of smoking rubble?”