To the editor:
May the God who created this great nation through our Founding Fathers give America more men in the Senate and the House like Senators Henrik Shipstead and William Langer. These men were the only two "no" votes when the United States Senate, in their collective ignorance, ratified the UN Treaty on July 28th, 1945. Senator Langer's words today should haunt those in the Congress who shrink from their responsibility to declare war. Standing against the Goliath of ignorance, his words need to be taught to the U.S. Congress today:
"Having so pledged myself, and having been elected to my senatorship upon such pledge, and not having been elected to create an organization to which we would give a promise, either express or implied, that it would have authority to send our boys all over the earth, I cannot support the Charter. I believe it is fraught with danger to the American people, and to American institutions."
It is encouraging that some in Congress are beginning to heed their pledge. Senator Mike Lee and Rep. Chip Roy have introduced S. 3428 and H.R 6645: The Defund Act. This Act will withdraw U.S. from United Nations and all its agencies.
Policing congressional betrayal has only one true teacher: you the voter! Inform them that the 20/20 hindsight of today demands they correct the 89 Senators who voted wrong in 1945; A "yes vote" that committed hundreds-of-thousands of our finest youth to fight UN no win wars for eight decades. All the blood shed by the American soldiers since then is on their hands.
Let not yesterday's congressional ignorance, caused by a lack of an informed electorate, endanger the lives of future generations of America's finest youth. Storm emails, snail mails and phone lines of your state and federal Senators and Reps. Implore they support The Defund Act S 3428 & H.R. 6645 to completely withdraw the U.S. from the UN and all of its affiliate agencies. Check out this 19 minute video on the threat of world government.
- Russ Payne,