LEBANON - The campaign to elect Harrison Thorp as state representative for House 20 released a You Tube video on Wednesday of a speech by the write-in candidate in which he details his plan to reform welfare, bring jobs to Acton, Lebanon and Shapleigh and continue the economic recovery that has begun in Maine.
To see the video click here.
In the video he offers sharp comparisons of his moderate Republican views with the Tea Party candidate and the extreme tax and spend liberal Democratic candidate whose names are on the ballot.
My Republican opponent doesn't even respect a woman's right to choose, while the Democrat thinks the government can spend its way to an economic recovery, he says, adding that private sector jobs are the key to a prosperous Maine.
In the eight-minute video he also condemns any minimum wage hike, because businesses will simply past the costs onto consumers in the form of higher prices.
Thorp said he made the video because many voters have expressed frustration that there have been no debates between the three candidates where they could see their body language and true personas while on the hot seat.
"The best thing the two candidates have shown they can do to further their own chances of winning is to pretend I don't exist," Thorp said.