Editor's note: This is the last of three stories on the three candidates running for Lebanon selectman.
LEBANON - Selectmen Chairman Ben Thompson is running for re-election because he wants to continue the town on a path of fiscal responsibility and openness of government, he told The Lebanon Voice recently.
Thompson, who was elected in 2013 to his first term as selectman, said he'll point to the bottom line as his most proud accomplishment the past three years.
"Bottom dollar, when I walked in (in June 2013) we had to borrow a million dollars TAN (tax anticipation note) in September," he said. "Last September we were in the black about $860,000. And right now, in March we're at $1.1 million (in the fund balance)."
Thompson looks at the improvement in the town's financial footing as the chief reason Lebanon residents should keep him where he is.
"I know more about this town, legalwise, than anyone," he added.
A former real estate agent and owner of Thompson Auto Body LLC, of Lebanon, Thompson also pointed toward the implementation of purchase orders by department heads as another facet in shoring up fiscal responsibility within town departments.
As far as what he'd like to accomplish if he's re-elected, he kept it close to the vest.
"I'll let you know Candidate's Night," he quipped.
Thompson also revealed he will soon begin online classes toward his bachelor's in science in public administration at the University of Maine in Augusta with an eye toward someday being a town manager somewhere.
Candidate's Night is set for next Monday at 6:30 p.m. at Lebanon Elementary School.
Selectmen candidates Christine Torno and Jennie McComish as well as Thompson have all confirmed their attendance. The four road commissioner candidates have also been invited.