To the editor:
Consider this an open letter to the Nashua School Board,.
Below are my thoughts that have occurred to me for over a half century about removal of public prayer from our society. I believe removing prayer for the beginning of meetings is the tragic flaw originating from the decline in all public education.
When hearing of the January 25th Nashua Board of Education meeting, board members had voted unanimously to replace opening prayer with a statement, I'm reminded of words of Longfellow's poem:
"God is not dead, nor doth He sleep..."
Obviously, each member, viewing prayer from the Secular Humanist World View, was predominantly schooled during the 20th century. It's no wonder nor should we be surprised that Christina Darling felt confused, this is what they have all been taught: "There is no God."
The confusion is generational deception, starting with the late 19th century Friedrich Nietzsche's, "God is Dead" quote, who blamed this on the erosion of the church - comparable to the same decline over the past century in our nation.
Going back to the enlightened minds of that era, Marx and Darwin, planted seeds of devaluation of human life and collectivism. The "God is dead movement," in the 20th century has grown into democide of hundreds of millions of people.
It is not by accident that for decades, the three basic tenets of Communism have been taught in many of our schools:
1. "There's no God"
2. No innate right or wrong,
3. And man is a graduate beast
The perverted mindset denying a Creator has grown! This darkness is taught to generations of our youth resulting that too many we vote into office are confused about God and wanting to take his place because they don't know who "He is". So, like computers, minds of each generation, are programmed in schools that God is so bad. Children are taught not to know Him, Jesus Christ because he is an enemy of the state. The programmed mind will automatically be confused and uncomfortable about God.
Perhaps you all should read Matthew 18:6:
"But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea."
Depriving and misleading children about God has been a sin for the past century. It's insanity that each generation passes on unbelief and each generation expects different results. Every day news watching ponders the question: Have apes become human or have humans become apes?"
Our nation was created on the eternal wisdom of biblical Judea/Christian Ethics. I feel our Children need this. And you on the Board of Education need to seek His Divine Guidance.
For Christ and Our Country!
- Russ Payne,