LEBANON - With the filing deadline past, the candidate races for Lebanon's elected positions to be decided on May 10 are now set with heavily contested races expected for selectman and road commissioner.
On the selectman's side political newcomer Jennie McCormish and former budget committee member and longtime town excise tax collector Christine Torno will challenge incumbent Ben Thompson.
Meanwhile, the road commissioner position, which had never been more than a two-man race in recent years, is shaping up as a four-way affair with three well-known challengers going against incumbent Tom Torno, who took over for his dad, longtime Lebanon road boss Larry Torno who died of cancer in February of 2015.
The challengers include Tom Boucher, a longtime contractor for the town road department; Chris Gilpatrick, an outspoken longtime budget committee member and mowing contractor; and former road boss candidate Roger Gilpatrick, who lost a bid to unseat the late Larry Torno in 2013 elections.
Meanwhile, Rebecca Beal, Deborah Wilson and Corinna Cole have all submitted papers for budget committee, which has three openings this May.
On the school side, Kevin Collins and longtime budget committee member and current board secretary Nancy Neubert will vie for a single spot on the SAD 60 school board.
The Lebanon Voice is currently in the planning stages of holding a Candidates Night sometime during the week following the Public Hearing, which is April 30. Candidates for selectman, school board and road commissioner will be invited and are asked to contact The Lebanon Voice at thelebanonvoice@aol.com regarding any potential scheduling conflicts the week of May 2.