LEBANON - All five candidates for the office of selectmen will appear at a Candidates’ Night Forum at the Lebanon Elementary School next month on June 5, just six days prior to Election Day.
The forum is scheduled to get under way at 7 p.m. and last about an hour. It is being sponsored by The Lebanon Voice.
Slated to attend are Selectmen Chairman Robert Frizzell, who is running for his third consecutive term, Robie Marsters, Corinna Cole, Bettie Harris-Howard and Ben Thompson.
“We hope this will become an annual event,” said Harrison Thorp, editor of The Lebanon Voice.
Expected to be included in the forum are opening and closing statements as well as a portion during which candidates are free to rebut opponents’ remarks.
“Anything we can do to promote activism in government is a good thing,” Thorp said. “We at The Lebanon Voice are hoping for a good turnout at Candidates’ Night and on Election Day the following week.”