SOMERSWORTH - Event co-chair Tom Gray kicked off the Relay introducing the Event Leadership Team (ELT), American Cancer Society staff partners, recognized the sponsors (Sponsors were: Dartmouth-Hitchcock Norris Cotton Cancer, New Hampshire Union Leader, New England Cancer Specialists, Eastern Propane, SRW Environmental Consulting, Cornerstone VNA.
Our in-kind sponsors included PIP Rental and Tri-City Christian Academy. The Rochester Voice served as media sponsor and also raised money for Relay for Life by donating a portion of its subscription sales from the past month.
Bruce Stone was our DJ. He acknowledged the tremendous efforts of the volunteers to make this event a success during a difficult time. Co-Chair Ken Gray (Tom's father) presented Sarah Scheffer with flowers - she was recognized in June by the American Cancer Society as a 2021 Sandra C. Larabee Volunteer Values Award winner.
This award recognizes Sarah's accomplishments in support of the mission to save lives. The award is named in honor of the late Sandra C. Labaree, a longtime American Cancer Society volunteer from Maine. Despite her death from breast cancer in 2000, Sandy's spirit and values live on through this award. Each year, the New England Area Board of Directors selects the most inspired and passionate individuals to receive this prestigious honor whose service best exemplifies the Society's organizational values of mission, stewardship, diversity, data-driven, and respect.
Emily Bingham Sang our National Anthem.
The event kicked off with a Survivor Lap followed by a complimentary luncheon organized by volunteers.
Survivors Kathy Mason and Pat Rainboth shared their touching and inspiring stories with Relay participants.
Studio 109 dancers entertained the crowd!
The hush angels (from Studio 109) also led the Luminaria Lap of Remembrance - a silent, reflective time participants walked the track in remembrance of those lost or currently battling.
YES! We were grateful to be able to hold a live event... we had to postpone our June 2021 event because we with all the planning involved, we just weren't ready as a country to hold such events. We delayed until September, but in doing so, we had to move from our traditional location of Spaulding High School (they were tied up with athletic activities). Tri-City Christian Academy was gracious enough to let the Relay for Life of Rochester to host our event on their field...Niver Field. With all of the safety precautions in place, the Event Leadership Committee put preparations in full force.
We had fewer team and participants than in years' past, but our 4 hour abbreviated event was small and mighty.
We have raised approx. $25,000 (lower than years' past) - but teams have until mid-October to contribute any final donations.
https://secure.acsevents.org/site/SPageServer/?pagename=relay_donate_now&FR_ID=99797&fr_id=99797 (I don't know an easier way to share this horrific link but it is the link to donate to our Relay.
Next year's event date has already been set and was announced at today's event - June 25, 2022 at Spaulding High School. We will begin planning for that in November!
This year marks the 36th year since the first Relay For Life event was founded in 1985. Every dollar that was raised and every hour of volunteering moves us one step closer to a world free from the pain and suffering of cancer.
The American Cancer Society is the nationwide, community-based, volunteer-based health organization dedicated to preventing cancer, saving lives, and diminishing suffering from cancer through research, education, advocacy, and service. As you can imagine, COVID-19 has impacted the organization greatly.