ROCHESTER - Convenience stores and lottery sellers across the region reported a big spike today in Powerball ticket sales with tonight's jackpot expected to be around $337 million, just three grand short of the game's 20th-largest jackpot ever.
"When it gets big like this we always sell a lot more," said Melanie, a store clerk at Victor's Stateline in Rochester. "It's probably twice as many as normal."
M & N Borderline Beverage on Highland Street in East Rochester also reported a large increase in sales.
If there's a lucky winner tonight they can expect to take home about a third of the jackpot after taxes if they take it in a lump sum, about $110 million, still enough to keep the wolf from the door, even on a cold night like tonight.
The chances of winning, however, are somewhere between slim and none, a one in 302,000,000 chance.
No worries, however. On Friday there will be another chance at riches when the Mega Millions returns for another draw, not too shabby, itself, at $306 million.