ROCHESTER - Participants from the Rochester Police Department's Project Good Morning program met at Granite Steak and Grill today for their annual holiday breakfast, which for the past few years has been donated and prepared by Granite Steak and Grill.
Communications staff and PGM members meet to eat and share stories and laughs together so that PGM members can put a face to the friendly voices they hear on the phone every morning, according to a posting today on the Rochester Police Department Facebook page.
In 1995, Project Good Morning was created to assist senior citizens of the community who live alone to continue an independent lifestyle. Project Good Morning members and their families are provided with the security of knowing that the member will have a daily contact source to check in with.
To be eligible for the Project Good Morning Program, participants must be a resident of Rochester and complete an application, which is then forwarded to the project coordinator, who contacts the applicant to explain the program.
Once accepted into the program, Project members will contact the Police Department daily between 6-10 a.m. to check in with a communications specialist. If a member does not make contact by 10 a.m. a communications specialist (dispatcher) will attempt to make contact with the member. If the specialist is unsuccessful, a patrol unit and/or other emergency personnel are sent to the address to conduct a welfare check on the member to ensure there are no life safety issues.
Today's event was organized by Police Department Communication Specialists, who prepared cookie plates for the members and exchanged small gifts with them as well.
To learn more about the program, contact the Rochester Police Department in person at 23 Wakefield St, over the phone - 603-330-7128, or online -