ROCHESTER - Mark Perry hawks the Rochester Fair like a seasoned carnival worker hawks his game booth, with unabashed enthusiasm and unbridled energy.
“Nobody, nobody beats my fair,” he says. “You won’t find another one like it in New Hampshire, or Maine.
The 138th Rochester Fair runs from this Friday through Sept. 22.
Perry has been the driving force behind the Rochester Fair for 13 years now, and every year he looks to fine-tune this most venerable of Granite State fairs.
This year folks can get into the fair for free Monday through Friday beginning next Monday, Sept. 16. It could be the first time ever at any fair. The rides won’t be running and there’s no entertainment till late in the afternoon, but many adults who don’t care about rides and carnival games can this year quietly stroll the fairgrounds to see the livestock and many other exhibits.
From 9-1 admission is free, Perry said, adding that food and other vendors will be open during this time.
Asked how he gets out the folks who come for free from 9-1, he smiles.
“Why do I want to get them out?”
Perry is well aware you’ll never make everybody happy, but he’s trying.
For the fourth year, the fair will sell an inclusive ticket for $14, which includes an unlimited rides bracelet, except for the New Speed XXL. Discounted tickets are available at Holy Rosary Credit Union for $12 through Thursday for both members and nonmembers while supplies last.
Perry is passionate about making the fair affordable for families.
And he’s also passionate about bringing in top-notch family entertainment, like the school bus and car demolition derbys and Circus Hollywood.
“There’s no other fair in New England getting the school buses demo, no other fair with Circus Hollywood,” he says. “No other fair with as many rides in the air.
“Nobody beats me with this lineup.”