Editor's note: The Rochester Voice asked candidates for mayor and City Council to respond to a series of questions. Below is the submission from Chuck Creteau, who is running for a Ward 4 Seat B council seat. Don't forget to vote on Nov. 7.
Name: Charles (Chuck) Creteau
Occupation: Social worker / Facilitator
Question 1. What moves could be made to make Rochester government more transparent:
RSA 91-A requires that public meetings be open to the public with a couple exceptions. This allows members of the public to attend the meetings for transparency. Outside of following law, only better government accessibility online (IE Facebook, X) or ways to explain to the laymen, could this be better achieved. It should be noted I am adamantly against using "TikTok" as the federal government has restrictions against this on government hardware due to China's influence since 2017. Lastly, open discussions in open forums SHOULD HAPPEN with city councilors and the public for better give and take and better flow of information.
Question 2 Do you believe the unassigned fund balance is an appropriate place from which to draw funds for capital improvement projects and reserve accounts?
The main objective of fund balance reserve is to create a strong fiscal position that will allow negative financial circumstances to be less of an impact and to mitigate future risk. The answer depends on the amount of money in the balance. It should only be used if Rochester has a prudent amount on hand and an emergency arises. Like home budgeting, we need emergency funds available for the unexpected, to be safe financially.
Question 3 Would you ever consider expending a portion of the unassigned fund balance to significantly reduce residents' tax burden?
We in government need to make low taxes a priority, as long as the cure is not more problematic than the disease. In other words, would giving money back to the citizen (depending on the circumstances) be better, than the risk associated with lowering the reserve in case government emergencies occur. I consider all possibilities, look forward to healthy debate and making an informed decision based on what keeps taxes lowest for everyone.
Questions 4. What do you think needs to happen to reduce the number of homeless persons living in Rochester?
While statistics vary, about 38% of homeless are alcohol-dependent, 26% are substance dependent, and 25% suffers from severe mental illness. It is estimated that this is close to double these national statistics in Rochester based on my interviews with RPD officers. Many of Rochester's homeless are not interested in help, we can only focus on the ones who are. The best way to do that is to educate those who have the most interaction with them about available services and make them more readily available (IE first responders). It should be noted we still cannot staff warming centers in Somersworth this year. I had a scheduled ride along with RPD for 10/31/23 to learn more firsthand about this issue.
Question 5 What is the number one problem when focusing on the continued re-emergence of the city's downtown.
The number one statement I have heard walking Ward 4, is how people see Rochester as "steadily improving". In order to continue that success, we need to help engage with vacant property owners, help create a clear vision of what we want Rochester to look with the public and see that the vision is executed with the proper and reasonable funding.
Question 6 Explain your position on affordable (workforce) housing, including to what degree should government be subsidizing the builders' cost of construction.
"Affordable housing" is considered 30% of a person's gross income. We are in a market whereas one of the fastest growing cities, we need to make housing the top priority, while keeping in mind that taxes not paid by companies, make it harder to keep the tax rate low for everyday citizens. We need to be careful when looking to government to pay for housing and instead bring better jobs with better pay to our citizens.
Question 7. Why do you think you're best for the job? (If running opposed, you may comment on what you bring to the table or choose not to answer.)
I am fair, balanced and seek the truth, even when it is uncomfortable. I research information and talk to people on both sides of an issue before making a decision. I am strength based and vision focused. I am a professional communicator who can bring this city together when differences arise. I was born and raised here and will strive to bring our community together with my positive attitude. As a social worker with over 21 years experience as well as law enforcement training that can help in assessing many of our needs.