TILTON - Veterans throughout the state and the general public are invited to attend the New Hampshire Veterans Home's Vietnam War Veterans Day ceremony on March 29 at 11 a.m. at 139 Winter St. in Tilton.
This special observance commemorates the hardships suffered and sacrifices made by three million Americans during the Vietnam War as well as their families who supported them.
Keynote speakers Nancy Warner and Terry Farish will represent the 625 Red Cross Sisters who served in Vietnam as "Donut Dollies." Their address will explain their mission and honor their brothers who served in the military as well as their sisters who served alongside them with the Red Cross. The ceremony will take place in the Home's 'Town Hall' great room, accessible via entrance at the corner of Winter Street and Colby Road.
In 2012 President Obama signed a presidential proclamation designating March 29 as the annual observance of Vietnam War Veterans Day. The signing of the proclamation marked the anniversary of the departure of the last American troops from Vietnam on March 29, 1973. The NHVH is currently home to 71 Vietnam Era Veterans who served in the Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, Army National Guard and Air National Guard.
Additional speakers will also honor those who served to provide the "Welcome Home" soldiers did not receive when returning from deployment overseas. The Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 41 and Service Credit Union are providing sponsorship for the event.
The New Hampshire Veterans Home is home to men and women veterans who have served their country and fellow New Hampshire citizens. NHVH was established in Tilton in 1890 as the Soldier's Home for Civil War Veterans and is a recipient of the Quality of Life Award from the NH Department of Health & Human Services, the Business Inspiration Award from the Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce, and the Platinum Veteran-Friendly Business award from the Department of Military Affairs & Veterans Services. The mission of NHVH is to provide high quality, professional long-term care services to the Granite State's elderly and disabled veterans with dignity, honor, and respect. NHVH is the State's only long-term care facility dedicated exclusively to veterans. For more information, call (603) 527-4400 or visit www.nh.gov/veterans, www.facebook.com/nhveteranshome.