CONCORD - Award-winning educational resources from Project WILD and Project Learning Tree are being offered together through two workshops for classroom teachers and non-formal educators in New Hampshire in February.
To register for classes, visit or contact Mary Goodyear at, (603) 271-6649, or Judy Silverberg at, (603) 568-2503.
Growing Up WILD: Exploring Nature with Young Children and Project Learning Tree's Environmental Experiences for Early Childhood
The two activity-based curricula support K-2 teachers and early childcare providers by engaging young children in activities that encourage exploration of the natural world. Written by educators and wildlife and forest professionals, and reviewed by experts in early childhood education, the activity guides provide a foundation for developing active, healthy children who enjoy nature and are prepared with necessary learning skills.
Date: February 19, 2018
Time: 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Location: NH Fish and Game Department Headquarters, 11 Hazen Drive, Concord, NH
Cost: $45, includes manuals and snacks
Download the program flyer at:
Projects Learning Tree and Project WILD Workshop for K-12 Classroom Teachers and Non-Formal Educators
Join in for a fun, activity-based Project WILD and Project Learning Tree workshop and take home two books full of activities for students that work well in both classroom and informal settings. The activities are interactive, interdisciplinary, and designed to support teaching about wildlife, forests, and related environmental concepts.
Date: February 26, 2018
Time: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Location: Owl Brook Hunter Education Center, 387 Perch Pond Rd, Holderness, NH
Cost: $60, includes manuals and snacks
Download the program brochure at: