NORTH BERWICK, Maine - Berwick Police and MSAD 60 school personnel were on the lookout on Friday for a yellow truck from which a man was suspected of taking pictures of students riding in a bus for the second time this week.
According to a bulletin emailed parents on Friday, School Superintendent Steve Connolly urged parents not to be overly concerned but added that school officials are taking the reports seriously and encouraged students and staff to continue to be vigilant “to their surroundings.”
Concerns were first raised on Wednesday when students from the Hussey School in Berwick said they spotted a man in a yellow truck following their bus while possibly taking pictures of them using a personal electronic device.
Then on Friday Hussey students riding the bus home from school again reported to their driver they’d seen a man in a yellow truck following the bus.
A student took pictures of the yellow truck and showed them to the bus driver who radioed Hussey School officials who then contacted Berwick Police to investigate.
Meanwhile, a Hussey staff member left school to see if they could find the yellow truck. After they found a yellow truck with similar license plate and description, police were contacted, met with the driver, and determined there was no connection to student reports. A second vehicle and driver was investigated later Friday afternoon and determined also to have no connection to the case.