GILFORD - Republican Matt Mowers, who on Wednesday announced his bid for a rematch against Democrat Chris Pappas for New Hampshire's 1st Congressional District, will visit Rochester on Sunday.
Mowers, of Gilford, a former State Department official who was backed by President Trump, lost to Pappas 205,606-185,159 in the 2020 general election.
Mowers will visit Potter's Bakery on Chestnut Hill Road in Rochester and also meet with Rochester mayoral candidate Paul Callaghan, a lieutenant with the Strafford County Sheriff's Office, according to a press release sent on Wednesday.
In his official announcement, Mower stressed the need to bring new leadership to Washington to "reaffirm our American values, particularly following the Biden Administration's complete dereliction of duty in Afghanistan and its out-of-control inflationary spending."
Today Mowers will be kicking off a tour across the district with local elected officials and community leaders.
"Granite Staters need a voice in Congress to reaffirm our American values and someone who will stand up to the Washington, D.C. establishment that has long left them behind," Mowers said in his announcement press release. "In President Trump's State Department, I saw firsthand how strong American leadership protects our nation's interests and lights the way for freedom in the world. As we saw in Afghanistan, our enemies take advantage when weak leaders like President Biden fail.
"Here at home, we've seen Biden and Pelosi spend our country into inflation that has resulted in a slowdown of the American economy. In Congress, I will stand up against the left's runaway spending that hurts middle class families at the gas pump and grocery store."
The times for the Sunday appearances were not confirmed as of this story's posting.