To the voters of Acton, Lebanon and Shapleigh:
On June 10th you will be going to the polls on many issues both for town and state. One issue is that of the Republican nomination for the House seat 20 which is a new position.
I have studied this in depth and I have come to the conclusion that there is a candidate that will stand up for the best interest of our three towns. We need someone in Augusta that will stand up for our towns, who will bring to the people the issues no matter how much they are outvoted. A person that won't sit back like a mouse but that will have a voice no matter how unpopular the issue is.
The other candidate in the Republican primary was voted selectman in 2011 in Lebanon. At that time I thought that things were going to be more open to the people which did not happen. No matter how much a candidate is outvoted they have to make the people aware of the facts. They have a voice and it's important for a representative to speak out.
In 2012 there was an audit into a department of the town which everyone knew that the accounts were overdrawn. The wool was pulled over this selectperson's eyes. She sat back and let the other two selectmen run the show. And she sat back like a mouse and didn't speak out even though I am sure she had to know what was going on.
There was a statement made at the Lebanon public hearing by this selectperson that she thought something was fishy. The question is why wasn't this looked into before it was two years later and the town was taken for $200,000.00? A mouse not bringing this to the people, not what I want in Augusta.
I have learned that for the past two years that about $300.000.00 per year has been used out of the surplus funds of the town drawing them down to a dangerous level. A few years ago the town had a 35 percent raise in taxes to build up the surplus fund. Someone back in 2011 told me that running for selectman was just a stepping stone to get to Augusta. I didn't want to believe that but it was true.
We need someone in Augusta that will fight for and make the taxpayers aware of things going on that will impact them. On that note I want to make sure everyone knows I am supporting Harrison Thorp for the House seat.
I encourage everyone to go on to his website at or to his Facebook page harrisonforrepseat20 or call him at 432-2218 if you have questions. He always answers the phone.
As Harrison says, “Together, we can get it done.”
Robie Marsters,
- Lebanon