Sweet Lydia has been waiting 217 days in hopes of finding her perfect match!
Lydia is 10 years old and she likes to take the high road in life - literally. She isn't too fond of floors, and will jump from surface to surface to avoid them. Though we aren't sure why Lydia has this "floor-phobia", we have learned she is happiest if she has plenty of perches to hang out on.
Lydia is not one to travel great distances to seek out her litter box, but when her box is nearby and easily accessible she is a happy camper. Lydia is a wonderfully affectionate girl who seeks out attention from her humans. She can be described as an easy going girl who enjoys afternoon naps in the sunshine and a lap to curl up in. A calm, quiet household will be best for this lovely lady. Lydia does prefer to be the only queen in the castle, so she should be the only four-legged family member in her new home.
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