Local cases continue to dramatically drop with Rochester down to just 37, while Durham, home of UNH, has explosed with 411.
Other local towns include Dover at 54, Somersworth at 38, Barrington at 7 and Milton, Farmington and Strafford all at 1-4.
Meanwhile, state DHHS announced 461 new positive test results for COVID-19, 64 minors and 67 from Strafford County.
Two more deaths related to COVID-19 were also announced, both over 60.
Currently hospitalization also trended downward, now at 126.
COVID-19 Summary Report
NH Persons with COVID-19 72,399
Recovered 68,201 (94%)
Deaths Attributed to COVID-19 1,150 (2%)
Total Current COVID-19 Cases 3,048
Current Hospitalizations 126