LEBANON - Mandy Grenier begins her new job as Lebanon's Town Clerk and Tax Collector Monday, and she can't wait.
"I'm thoroughly excited about it," Grenier said on Tuesday. "I know it's going to challenge me in ways I'm not aware of yet, and I'm excited about that, too."
The 26-year-old Biddeford High School and Southern Maine Community College grad has an associate's degree in business administration and is currently pursuing a bachelor's in accounting and business administration at the University of Southern Maine.
Grenier has been employed in the accounting department for the city of Portland for almost a year and previously worked in the accounting office for two Arundel car dealerships.
She has lived in Arundel for the past three years.
For hobbies she runs a lot of 5Ks and enjoys boating on a 17-foot Bayliner runabout she and her boyfriend recently acquired.
Grenier said she knows being the Town Clerk and Tax Collector for Lebanon will put her on a sharp learning curve.
"My first day (Monday) is when candidate filings have to be returned, so I know it's going to be a busy day right off the bat," she said. "My goal right now is to wrap my brain around everything and do the best job that I can."