ALFRED, Maine - A Lebanon man has been indicted on reckless conduct charges stemming from an incident in March when he allegedly fired off a shotgun round in a crowded Sanford neighborhood.
Jake O. Weiser, 20, of 86 Fall Road, was charged with reckless conduct on March 11 after police say he discharged a 12-gauge shotgun too close to a dwelling.
Weiser, who was on bail from an unrelated charge, was also charged with violating conditions of release and several drug charges, including possession of drug paraphernalia, marijuana and two additional counts of unlawful possession of scheduled narcotics.
The indictments, however, only specify reckless conduct and violation of bail charges, both felonies.
Sanford Deputy Chief Tim Strout said back in March that police had responded to a Mount Hope Road apartment building around 2:30 p.m. for a report of “shots fired,” but were unsure what, if anything, Weiser may have been targeting.
An indictment is not an indication of guilt, only that a grand jury has found sufficient evidence to move forward to trial.