EAST LEBANON - An 84-year-old Lebanon man was injured in a two-car crash near the Colonial Mobile Home Park on Route 202 in East Lebanon Tuesday, bringing the number of accidents so far this year on Carl Broggi Highway to 36, exceeding already the number of crashes in all of 2012.
The man injured was driving east in a Dodge Neon and turned left into Colonial Mobile Homes Park and into the path of a westbound Ford Ranger occupied by a 69-year-old Rochester man, according to a Lebanon Rescue press release.
The Lebanon man was transported to Goodall Hospital in Sanford with what are described as nonlife-threatening injuries. The driver of the Ranger was not injured. Both men were wearing seat belts.
The crash occurred around 9:30 a.m. and reduced traffic in the area of the accident to one lane. Both vehicles suffered heavy damage and were towed from the scene.
The cause of the accident is under investigation by Maine State Police.
Lebanon Rescue Assistant Chief Jason Cole said the number of crashes on Route 202 this year is extremely worrisome.
"We are concerned with the increase in accidents that we have responded to along Carl Broggi Highway this year. So far this year to date, we have responded to 36 accidents involving 57 vehicles, 86 patients and transported 31 patients,” said Assistant Rescue Chief Jason Cole. “We have just finished compiling three years of data on accidents and hope to get it to the state to brainstorm some safety ideas to cut back on these accidents.”
Cole added he thought a turning lane is necessary in the area of Trains Quickstop.
“We really want to find a way to work on a turning lane in the area from Train's Quick Stop to Upper Middle Road, where so far this year alone we have responded to nine accidents and treated 32 patients within this ¾-mile stretch. With the repaving next year of Carl Broggi Highway from the New Hampshire state line through Sanford, it seems like a good time to discuss it."
Accident Stats for Carl Broggi Highway compiled by Lebanon Rescue
2011: 43 total accidents, 52 vehicles involved, 53 patients involved and 26 transports to the hospital.
2012: 32 total accidents, 49 vehicles involved, 71 patients involved and 20 transports to the hospital.
2013 Through August 27: 36 accidents, 57 vehicles involved, 86 patients involved and 31 transported to the hospital.