LEBANON - Lebanon Fire and EMS is gearing up its Toys for Lebanon kids effort for children ages newborn to 16 years old.
If interested in being a recipient below is an application. It should be filled out and mailed to: LEBANON FIRE/EMS TOY SHOP P.O. Box 47 - Lebanon, ME. 04027.
Also include an email address if you have one, as your application will be assigned a number.
Officials will email information as a confirmation of your application, and it will have a reminder of the pickup information. Recipients are asked to bring a copy of the confirmation email with you for pick up. Toy pickup will be on Saturday, Dec. 17 between noon-4 p.m. at Station 2, 1524 Carl Broggi Highway, South Lebanon.
If you have any questions, call Station 1 at (207) 457-3922.
Lebanon is also looking for donations of new toys, gift wrap, tape, tags, gift cards, or checks (Lebanon Me Fire Inc), to help make this program a success. Donations can be dropped off at either station.
LEBANON, MAINE FIRE AND EMS DEPARTMENT 2016 Toys for Lebanon Kids Application for Toys for Lebanon Residents, Newborn to 16 years of age
To pick up your child's toys, you will be given a time for Saturday, Dec. 17 between Noon and 4pm.
A copy of this application will be emailed back to you with an assigned number, and a time for you to arrive.
Pick up the toys Saturday, December 17 12pm~4pm
If you need to pick them up at a different time, you must make arrangements ahead of time
Parents Name ___________________________________________
Home Address __________________________________________
Mailing Address _________________________________________ Home Phone ____________________
Cell Phone ____________________
E-mail ______________________________________________________ Children Information
(First names ONLY and are optional. Only needed for pick up choice 2)
Name: ____________________________ Age: _____ Sex: _____
Name: ____________________________ Age: _____ Sex: _____
Name: ____________________________ Age: _____ Sex: _____
Name: ____________________________ Age: _____ Sex: _____
Name: ____________________________ Age: _____ Sex: _____
Name: ____________________________ Age: _____ Sex: _____
Any Additional Information______________________________________
_____________________________ ______________________________
Application must be returned to: Lebanon Fire/EMS Toy Shop, P.O. Box 47, Lebanon, Maine 04027 by December 12, 2016 _________________________
More info can also be found at http://lebanonfireems.org.