LEBANON - While most folks leisurely enjoyed their long Labor Day weekend, Boy Scout Troop 369 of Lebanon, spent a few hours that Sunday volunteering their time and efforts helping at the food pantry at First Parish Congregational Church.
Lorrie Lovely, Food Pantry Director, rallied church members, who provided a hardy lunch followed by homemade whoopie pies for desert. With stomachs full, the boys began the task of sorting canned goods, building shelves, and organizing food items.
Troop leaders, Norm Sirois, Ryan Burns and Tom Rose, delegated various tasks for the boys and before long several pallets of boxed/bagged food items were sorted and placed appropriately. One time-consuming, but very important job to be done was checking each donated food item to be sure they were not out of date. While every donation is greatly appreciated, there are some that come in which are out of date and we cannot give these items out to the families we serve. The boys were careful to place the newer items behind the older items on shelves so "stock" is rotated properly, and nothing goes to waste.
Occasionally, during the sorting process, a refrain of "good", "good", "good", "BAD" could be heard, followed by peals of laughter!
Once their work was completed, it was apparent all the guys had fun and did a great job serving their community. Their hard work is greatly appreciated.
Lebanon residents who are struggling to provide food for their family are encouraged to contact the food pantry at First Parish Congregational Church for assistance. Please call Pastor Mark Kraines at 207-651-5506 or contact us via e-mail at 1stparishlebanon@gmail.com.
It should be noted that the boys of Troop 369 also help out with Lebanon's American Legion Post 214 at their spaghetti suppers which are held the second Saturday of every month at the church. Funds raised at these suppers help serve the community in a variety of ways from supporting our veterans in town to encouraging kids to read in the "Books for Bikes" program at the elementary school.
For more information on opportunities for students to join Scouts, please contact Norm Sirois at normansirois@rocketmail.com