LEBANON - Lebanon Selectman Paul Nadeau said today he had no knowledge of fellow Selectman Royce Heath's last-minute motion at Thursday night's Board of Selectmen's meeting to spend by Tuesday an unexpended $28,000 from this year's road budget.
Heath read the motion off a piece of scratch paper after selectmen had closed then reopened the meeting, realizing a substantive vote was in the offing and that Lebanon Truth Seekers videotaping had ended as selectmen had said there was nothing left of the meeting but payroll and paperwork just a few minutes prior.
Nadeau seconded the motion, which carried 2-1, over the objections of Selectmen Chairman Ben Thompson, who voiced his concerns about the possibility of having to take out a Tax Anticipation Note later this fall.
Thompson appeared to have no knowledge that the motion was forthcoming and the board didn't discuss it on Thursday.
If the $28,000, considered savings from the use of the town's new backhoe, hadn't been authorized for use by Road Commission Tom Torno, the funds would have gone back into the general fund.
The funds have to be spent by Tuesday, June 30, said Nadeau, who also stated that Heath had originally been for allowing the money to go back into the general fund.
"A week and a half ago, Tommy was in here and he said what do you want to do about the $28,000 and Ben asked selectmen. I said I wanted to spend it on the roads, but Royce wanted it to go back in the general fund."
He said that Heath may have had a change of heart after getting very emotional at a service for the late road commissioner Larry Torno on Saturday.
Nadeau said he had a feeling Heath would bring it up on Thursday, but didn't know and had never spoken with him about it.
Nadeau said during his campaign for selectmen all he heard about was the poor condition of town roads.
"Roads are important," he said, pointing out the deplorable condition of River Road from Spaulding Fibre to North Rochester Road.
Thompson could not be reached for comment today, while Heath said he had no comment.
"I'm not gonna get in the middle of this," Heath said before hanging up.
Torno is expected to explain his plans on how to spend the $28,000 at Monday's selectmen's meeting which starts at 4 p.m.