At the recent meet the candidate's night in Milton, the resounding theme was "Do your Job"!
Milton is in desperate need of leadership to steer it in the right direction and help take Milton into the 21st century.
There has to be a reason why Milton has gone through 14 Town Administrators in 11 years. Some officials and employees have taken advantage of this situation for their own benefit. With two open selectmen's position there are 5 candidates on the ballot.
The other concerning position is the Town Treasurer. There has been much discussion as of late in the ability of the current treasurer and her willingness to be a team player.
She has repeatedly been chastised by the Board of Selectmen in public meetings regarding her performance of duties. Several Town Audits have confirmed the lack of prudent policies and procedures and have
recommended changes. The Treasurer and the Selectmen positions are both elected and answer directly to the voters of Milton. It then is up to the voters of Milton to decide what they feel is best for the town. The
lack of a vibrant downtown, coupled with slow economic growth has placed the tax burden on the shoulders of the homeowners.
It is time for a change for the better. We need elected officials who work for the residents and respond to their needs. We need people who are committed to the future of Milton. With the lack of a thriving downtown, slow economic development, Milton is desperate for someone to take the helm and steer it back on the right track.
With new leadership the Board of Selectmen will be able to give some much needed direction to enforcing existing codes and regulation to put pressure on the Code Enforcement Office to do the job.
Milton needs people like Andy Lucier, Mackenzie Campbell and Erin Hutchings to help right the ship. These people are committed to working for Milton.
On the School Ballot there are two contested races. The first is for School Board for 1 year. 4 people are vying for 2 positions. Laura Noseworthy, and Melissa Brown have shown they are working for the people of Milton and deserve to be reelected. Campbell is running for re-election as School Board Treasurer and has served the School Board well. They all deserve your vote.
It's up to the voters of Milton to decide. Take the time to vote. Your voice matters. Some positions have been decided by a single vote in recent years. Voting is Tuesday, March 13 from 8 a.m.-7 p.m. at Milton
Assembly of God Church, 370 White Mountain Hwy.
(Les Elder writes an occasional column for The Rochester Voice. He lives in Milton.)