ROCHESTER - The public is urged to join the Strafford Regional Planning Commission as they partner with the City of Rochester on a community Zoom forum to gather feedback on their Communities for Healthy Aginst Trabnsitions (CHAT) project. This project seeks to identify strengths and opportunities for each regional community providing an inclusive, welcoming, supportive, and healthy environment for people of all ages.
To accomplish this SRPC wants to hear from the people that know Rochester best, those who live and work in the city. Using virtual public engagement tools like Zoom's breakout rooms and live interactive polling, SRPC will lead a discussion to best understand what residents value about their communities and the opportunities for making it even better.
The interactive event for providing input is set for April 12 from 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Register online at, and contact communications and call planner Shayna Sylvia at with any questions.
Residents may also do an online survey at