As the muchly deranged Democrat Party, largely fearful of a Trump presidential run in 2024, seeks to drive a stake through his political heart with a guilty verdict in his second politically motivated sham impeachment trial, let's remember one thing.
When Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell, as cagey a swamp creature as there is, said on Tuesday, "The mob was fed lies," did anyone in the swamp press corps scream, "Where's your evidence?"
Of course if they took a few minutes to read the speech he made at the Ellipse on Jan. 6 they would see nothing from Trump that would suggest anything of the kind.
It can be read here.
But when Trump's personal attorney Rudy Guiliani provided more than a 1,000 affidavits from pollworkers who were chased out of ballot counting areas, truckers who trucked ballots from state to state and data scientists who laid bare the countless voting anomalies like overcounts and vote decrements in Georgia precincts, the press had no curiosity.
Nothing to see here, let's move on, let's unify the country, reprogram 75 million Trump supporters and get back to the business of supporting China.
"A thriving China is good for all of us," Joe Biden has said.
Of course by "all of us" he meant "all of us Bidens."
So why would Democrats want to make Donald J. Trump a martyr?
Why would Mitch McConnell want that? Does he? What game is he playing?
These are questions both Republicans and Democrats should be thinking about. Worrying about.
Democrats, the old fashioned union-loving rank and file, may think the Orange Man is not cut of presidential cloth. Too vulgar, too much curbside vernacular, not woke enough.
But after looking at some of President JoBama's flurry of executive orders his first day in office, do I really think they're onboard with all of this "malarkey."
Let's take a look, shall we?
Normal Democrats take special note!
Rejoining the Paris climate agreement, which will cost 400,000 U.S. (mostly union) jobs, $2.5 trillion in U.S. GDP and $20,000 in income for a family of four by 2035, according to a 2016 report by the Heritage Foundation. It will also raise household electric bills 20 percent.
Deprioritizing U.S. victims of criminal aliens. JoBama issued an executive order to "reset the policies and practices for enforcing civil immigration laws" away from compliance with the law and toward what he deems a "humanitarian" policy on the border. The EO revokes President Trump's 2017 executive order on "Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States" (Executive Order 13768), which prioritized deporting criminal aliens, attempted to defund sanctuary cities, published a full report documenting all crimes committed by illegal aliens against U.S. citizens, and established the Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement (VOICE) to serve and "support victims of crimes committed by criminal aliens."
Reinstituting critical theory and replacing equality with equity. JoBama signed an executive order channeling the power of the federal government into "Advancing Racial Equity." Although the order states that "[e]qual opportunity is the bedrock of American democracy," the order replaces equality with equity, a term that advocates of critical theory say demands reverse discrimination and government economic programs to benefit minorities. This would take away the level playing field Americans of all races and creeds rightly demand.
Reversing President Trump's anti-terrorist travel ban. JoBama's "Proclamation on Ending Discriminatory Bans on Entry to The United States" executive order says the so-called "Muslim Travel Ban" violated U.S. values and "undermined our national security." The ban, which focused on terrorism, never applied to all Muslims. (There are precious few Muslims in, e.g., North Korea and Venezuela, which were covered by the order.)
Halting drilling in ANWR and the Keystone XL pipeline in the name of "environmental justice." Biden's executive order pledges to "advance environmental justice" and accentuate the feeling of "urgency for combatting climate change and accelerating the transition toward a clean energy economy." Of course it also will cost hundreds of thousands of union jobs.
Including illegal aliens and other non-citizens in the U.S. Census. Biden's executive order requires the Census Bureau to include anyone resident inside the United States "for purposes of congressional representation, without regard to whether its residents are in lawful immigration status." Non-citizens should not be excluded from counting toward congressional power "solely on the ground that they lack a lawful immigration status." This effectively gives greater representation - and federal funding - to jurisdictions that flout immigration laws, such as sanctuary cities.
Boys have a right to girls locker rooms. Establishing the "civil right" of biological males to participate in female sports, and use female showers and restrooms. Biden's executive order affirms that transgender individuals "should be able to access healthcare," an indication he intends to roll back protections for people of faith whose religion deems participation in sex reassignment surgeries sinful or immoral.
But his first day in office also proved he has a sense of humor.
He signed into law an ethics pledge and lobbying ban. I guess the "big guy" has already forgotten he made millions off his son's forays into China and Ukraine.
But more importantly, can any Democrats tell me what in the above treasure trove of executive orders is going to better their lives as Americans?