Campaign finance reports that had to be filed by Tuesday show that Democrat Bettie Harris-Howard has spent slightly more than Republican Karen Gerrish, but Gerrish has more cash on hand as the campaign for House District 20 begins its stretch run.
Write-in candidate Harrison Thorp was not required to file the report as his campaign had not spent or received money during the current filing period.
Overall expenditures for the Harris-Howard campaign were listed as $4,936.86, while Gerrish's were set at $4,315.21.
However, Gerrish still has $1,764.79 on hand, while Harris-Howard shows just $769.16.
Harris-Howard, who opted for taxpayer-funded Clean Elections to fund her campaign, received from them $5,206.02. She also received a few $100 donations prior to her being Clean Elections certified, including one from her spouse, Ellen Harris-Howard, and from York County Commission Chairperson Sallie Chandler of Lebanon, who is very active in the Maine Democratic Party.
Meanwhile, the Gerrish campaign has raised $6,080 in all, including $2,030 in the current filing period.
Some of her larger contributors since June include $375 from Harvey B. Wallingford who is listed under Colonial Mobile Home Trailer Park; $250 from the York County Republican Committee, $200 from Krista Kenney of Kenny Automotive of Lebanon; $375 from Dirigo PAC; and $200 from Steve Endsley of Lebanon who owns Tri-State Computers.