LEBANON - Instead of running out and buying a cheap foreign-made chair when yours breaks, Steve Wanager wishes folks would give him a call.
Wanager, a retired wood shop worker from the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, moved to Lebanon a year ago from Eliot where he’d lived for 30 years.
He says he can often fix an old chair at the breaking point or nearly there for about $20.
He fears in this disposable economy we live in people rush out and buy a new, poorly made piece of furniture instead of repairing the better piece they already have.
A longtime finish carpenter, his favorite job is building custom stairs, cabinets and cubbies in house new and old alike.
He prefers working on old houses.
If you attended the Lebanon Memorial Day Ceremony you might have seen him firing off one of his three vintage replica cannons.
Wanager does a lot of custom work for Randolph’s Upholstery in Eliot, which sends up non-upholstered furniture for him to work on in his Lebanon shop in the basement of his Columbus Circle home.
His Lebanon woodworking business is called Wans Wood Werks. To find out more email wan402@aol.com ro call 207-457-2392.