LEBANON - You've oftentimes read the story of firefighters saving a cat stranded high in a tree.
But how about wedged up against an engine block?
Well, that's what happened Monday night in Lebanon as a couple of feral cats were trapped under the hood of a family car on North Rochester Road in Lebanon.
It was around 8 p.m. and the family's dog alerted its owners that there was something under the vehicle, Lebanon Fire and EMS Chief Dan Meehan said today.
By the time Lebanon firefighters had gotten there, the family realized it was two feral cats, one of whom had escaped. The other very terrified feline was wedged between the frame and the engine block.
At times the cat was near being strangled due to its tight jam, the department's Facebook Page noted.
"The crew went over and got underneath the car and were able to move things around and get the cat out," Meehan said. "Between the cat being feral and scared, it was wedged in there pretty good."
Meehan credited firefighters Matt O'Connor, Sara Christiansen, Ryan Babcock and Frank Maguire for a job well done.
Meehan said the cat appeared none the worse for wear and was safe inside a cat carrier box.
He said the family, who didn't want to be identified, hadn't decided whether or not to keep it.
At least the cat has a name now, however. Christiansen dubbed it "Firewall."