Darryl Moore |
LEBANON - Two former Lebanon officials have endorsed Harrison Thorp as the best candidate to send to Augusta to represent Acton, Lebanon and Shapleigh as the first representative for newly formed House District 20.
Former selectman and Lebanon business owner Darryl Moore along with former planning board member and lifelong Lebanon resident Robie Marsters have both endorsed Thorp as the best choice for Acton, Lebanon and Shapleigh voters.
"I backed him in the primary and I'm backing him now," said Marsters.
Thorp is running as a write-in candidate against Republican candidate Karen Gerrish and Democrat Bettie Harris-Howard, both of whom are too extreme, Thorp has said.
"Ms. Gerrish doesn't believe women should have the right to choose, and Ms. Harris-Howard wants to legalize recreational marijuana. I rest my case," Thorp said.
Moore and Marsters add themselves to a list of prominent town business owners who have endorsed Thorp. Including Skydive New England, Kurt Zeller of Just Chevy Trucks and 4X4 Proving Ground, M&M Used Auto and Towing and Rick Towle of Salmon Falls Café.
Thorp, who was outspent 3 to 1 in the primary and lost 60 percent to 40 percent to Gerrish, said he is hoping his centrist Republican views will gain traction with Independents and moderate Democrats in the campaign's final days to boost him into a position where he can win.