ROCHESTER - A potential cyanobacteria bloom has been observed on Baxter Lake, which borders both Rochester and Farmington. The bloom was first reported on Tuesday, appearing as dense blue clouds of material along parts of the shoreline. NHDES has not yet collected samples.
While samples are as yet uninspected, contact with the water should be avoided by everyone, including children and pets. Lakegoers may notice the bloom near the shore of the lake.
Advisories are issued once samples are collected and cell concentrations of cyanobacteria are confirmed to exceed 70,000 cells/mL of lake water.
Cyanobacteria are natural components of water bodies worldwide, though blooms and surface scums may form when excess nutrients are available to the water. Some cyanobacteria produce toxins that are stored within the cells and may be released upon cell death. Toxins can cause both acute and chronic health effects that range in severity.
Acute health effects include irritation of skin and mucous membranes, tingling, numbness, nausea, vomiting, seizures and diarrhea. Chronic effects may include liver and central nervous system damage. Be cautious of lake water that has a surface scum, changes colors, or appears to have green streaks or blue-green flecks aggregating along the shore.
For more info visit the NHDES Harmful Algal and Cyanobacteria Bloom Program website for photos and more information about cyanobacteria here. Check out the Beach Mapper website for updates on cyanobacteria advisories.
Anyone spotting a bloom is asked to call NHDES at (603) 848-8094 or email HAB@des.nh.gov.