LEBANON - The town of Lebanon on Friday sent out an official email bulletin to assure town residents that the town's fire and rescue departments are fully functioning and that the Lebanon Fire and EMS Facebook page is not an official page of the town.
"We are fully staffed and functional and are here to serve the Town," the bulletin reads. "The Board of Selectmen has full confidence in the Interim Chief (Dan) Mathews and all of our brave men and women who serve the Department."
Regarding the department's former Facebook page which is still accessible, it noted, "No Town official who has the authority to speak on behalf of the Town or the Fire and EMS Department currently has access to this Facebook page."
The email went on to say that all inquiries for information regarding the department as it moves forward should be sought through the town's official website (https://www.lebanon-me.org/) or by calling Town Offices at 457-6082 to speak with a selectman.
Meehan hastily resigned on Wednesday, with selectmen then calling an emergency meeting to appoint deputy chief Daniel Mathews as interim chief following an executive session Wednesday afternoon.
Mathews and Meehan have both said that Meehan's ouster was a result of an issue with selectmen, without naming names.
Mathews is a full-time firefighter in Natick, Mass., where he serves as captain and works two 24-hour shifts per week. He was sworn in as interim chief on Thursday.
Meanwhile, a long post on the now-discredited former Lebanon Fire and EMS page on Thursday says Meehan was forced to resign shortly after a "predisciplinary hearing" on Tuesday, adding that Selectmen Chair Chip Harlow gave him the choice of resigning or being fired at 5 p.m. on Wednesday.
The post also notes that three other firefighters resigned after Meehan's departure, however, speaking on Channel 8 news on Friday night, Harlow insisted the department was fully staffed and functioning.