To the editor:
One of the key reasons American liberty stands today is because our founders designed a unique system of local control of law enforcement; where the loyalties of family and friends are a precious guardian of liberty. Being blessed to see 87 years gives perspective on how things have changed. One such perspective is the gradual process to move local control of police to federal control.
Art Thompson in his book, American Exceptionalism described this increasing federal law enforcement power that utilizes federal funds (your tax dollars) to reduce freedom with federal control:
"With the call for more funding and manpower in the wake of defunding the police movement by Marxist, Soros backed prosecutors, and the subsequent rise in crime, the situation is being supported by both the Left and Right to have more federal involvement in the local police. This will ultimately lead to a Federal system which will be out of the hands of local people."
This narrative is exactly why the John Birch Society ("JBS"), perceiving this dangerous trend in the 1960s, initiated their Support Your Local Police Committees ("SYLP") across the nation to prevent unlawful abuse of power with education. One of the key communist strategies in their "war on police" stopped by Birchers, in the 1960s, was Civilian Review Boards ("CRB"). CRB's were appointed by local liberal politicians to pass judgment on the often needed split-second policemen encounters. This deterred policeman's efficiency in keeping the peace. CRB's were eliminated by SYLP Committees in New York City, Philadelphia, and several other cities. Thus, eliminating this communist tool to enhance riots by hindering police opposition concerned with CRB judgment.
It is important to realize how critical to liberty the second part of the SYLP slogan is, "And Keep Them Independent." Publicized for decades on bumper stickers, yard signs and billboards, keeping local police independent is a core reason we are still free. Today, we are losing local police control because of increased federal funds silently working against us. The law protecting us has slowly turned against us. The proper purpose of law is to protect "life and property." There has been an inverse relationship to the exact degree that federal agencies have usurped control of local enforcement. Fake news has become the cheerleader for more federal funds while local police suffer from lack of support and loyal friends. The silent encroachment spends more money while crime increases. JBS/SYLP committees are still active and growing in many large cities across the nation. The committees employ the same winning strategy: letters to The Editors and to government officials at local, county, state and federal levels.
It is impossible to hold federal police accountable to local citizens. Precious American liberty needs your help to expose the gradual silent acceptance of the weaponization of federal law enforcement, unconstitutionally usurping local control. Multiply this powerful exposure of the results of federal law enforcement by sharing this link: Take action. Join a Committee or start one. Share this action alert with local, state and federal officials, particularly with local police and county sheriffs:
- Russ Payne,