Unlike the town in Ventura Highway by the '80s supergroup America, the towns of Rochester, Milton and Lebanon do look good in snow.
On Friday morning, we had occasion to travel throughout much of Lebanon and Acton to pick up political signs from a certain recent write-in campaign.
As luck would have it, an early Christmas grinch had already picked them up.
No matter.
If I hadn't gone out on my ridearound I never would have seen the hypnotic beauty the first snowfall of the season bestowed upon this most beautiful neck of the woods.
And if I hadn't run I would not have met so many wonderful folks from Acton and Lebanon or eaten at yummy restaurants like Salmon Falls Café, Dee's Diner, Trains Tavern, Willy's Ale House and the Shapleigh Corner store, at least probably not as much.
I also would never have made a ad on The Legends radio of Sanford. Now that was fun.
Plus I can now pretty much give directions to practically anywhere in Acton or Lebanon.
I once knew an inveterate gambler who told me one time quite wistfully, "I never learn as much as when I lose."
I'm not sure whether they said that to make themselves feel a little better after losing the rent money, or they really believed it.
Perhaps it was a little bit of both.
By the way, we noticed the people who like Mike are in the lead for most signs not collected. If anyone sees any of mine, well, we'll leave it to your own good judgment.