To the editor:
I am very disappointed with the West and especially Europe with their lack of any support for the Ukraine. Germany offered combat helmets at the last minute. Everyone knew this was coming and had several months to prepare.
This war has been ongoing since 2014. Our current administration has simply failed with any foreign policy issues and simply needs to go. Bottom-line is Biden administration is what the military calls "combat ineffective" as we saw with both the Afghanistan situation over the summer and the current Ukraine crisis.
Biden does remind me of Neville Chamberlain. I hope the Ukraine survives as they are putting up a good fight. But it will simply come down to a war of attrition that Russia will win.
The Ukrainian president has some "guts" and doing his best to be a leader for his country. Something this country is missing is "lead by example." As a leader, my number one rule is "I never ask someone to do something that I would not do myself."
I hope he survives as I would like to see him in an expanded leadership role such as the head of the EU or UN. He reminds me of Ronald Reagan as they are both actors. The big questions is what is Putin's next step? Will he follow the Georgian model and destroy the Ukrainian military and leave, only taking the area that is in dispute?
Or will he follow the Crimea model and try to integrate the entire Ukraine into Russia? On the cyber front, we are seeing an uptick in activity from Iran against the U.S. This leads to what will our adversaries do if the west does nothing in the Ukraine. Will China take Taiwan? Will India take on Pakistan? Will Iran try to do something to a weakened Iraq? 2022 seems a lot like 1939.
Dr. David A Yasenchock